Tracy Orne

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5 Ways to Find Your Major

1. Check yourself.

What lights you up? What do you look forward to doing?  How do you interact with people? What are your strengths? Identifying these things can help you find your major.  How do you identify these things? Free, easy assessments or tests (without grades).

5 Signs You Should Transfer

 Big Guy in a Little Coat.

It just isn’t a good fit.  You’ve tried to lose the weight of the feelings, but instead you go to the all-you-can-eat ice cream bar in the cafeteria. The first step is to admit the problem. This school just isn’t for you. (If the ice cream thing rings true, maybe stepping away from the rocky road could be a good idea too).  Start by making a quick list of what isn’t right for you, or what you wish college could be.  Find a school that has those qualities and go there.  Swallow your pride like the ice cream.


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