9 Ways to Carve Out Time For College

Considering going back to school, but don’t think you could possibly fit it into your already busy schedule? Time is one of your most valuable resources.

Don’t feed these nine sneaky time hogs with your attention. It’s very possible these time hogs are dining on more than three hours of your time each day.  Carve out your piece of the plate and use it for education.

1. Slow your social roll

Do you really need to look at that speedy how-to recipe video right now? A recent study showed adults spend 4.7 hours a day on their mobile phones, which includes checking social media 17 times a day! Limit social media to a few CONSECUTIVE minutes a day. (At least 20 minutes)

2. Carpool

Kids need to be driven to activities, but you don’t have to drive them EVERY TIME, EVERYWHERE. Work out a regular schedule with a fellow parent or relative and use the extra time to study. (At least 20 minutes)

3. Wait wisely

Wait around wisely. Don’t get mad or mindlessly check social media.  Get moving.  Waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting for the kids’ practice to end, twiddling your thumbs at the doctor’s office, staring into space waiting on a customer service call – that time can be spent reading a couple pages of an assignment, or doing quick research online. (10 to 30 minutes)

4. Make more hours in the day

No magic, just get up earlier or stay up later. On a daily basis, this built in time may be all you need to take an online class or take a night class. (At least an hour)

5. Crunch time at lunch

Take a solid 30 minutes at lunch to read an assignment or do some research. Or, talk with your employer and see if you can take a class over lunch, or take a later lunch.  They may even help pay part of your tuition. (30 minutes to an hour)

6. Figure out when you are most efficient.

Not a morning person, but you seem to be a tornado of activity at 7 p.m.?  Carve out 15 minutes to do schoolwork then.  Yes, it is more important than the dishes or laundry.  (15 minutes)

7. Shut the door

Interrupted much?  It’s ok to shut the door at home and take 30 minutes to focus on your studies. (30 minutes)

8. Ask for HELP

You don’t have to do everything yourself.  Ask your partner to take on a couple chores at home.  See if a co-worker will take on a task or report so you don’t have to stay late at work. Check to see if a friend could pick up your dry-cleaning or run an errand for you.  You might be surprised how many people are willing to pitch in; especially if they know it will allow you to better yourself through education.  (20 minutes)

9. Stop Worrying

Studies show that people spend an average of 50 minutes worrying each day. Do these pants make me look fat? Is this rash the Zika virus?  Am I saving enough for retirement? Does my boss think I’m doing a good job? Stop the fretting! It wastes precious time that could be used more productively.  No one worried their way into accomplishing anything, especially passing a test. (Up to 50 minutes)

Even focusing on 2-3 of these time hogs, you can find an extra hour or two or more in your day.
That's more than enough time to take a class or
two. The time is there, you just have to use it wisely.
How many hours do you think you can find in your day?

So, we have found some extra time to take some classes,
but what about all of your other responsibilities?
Work, family, kids, activities, feeding them, housework?
How do you balance it all and add school to the mix?

Free Guide: How to Balance School, work and life.


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